Virgo Full Moon ~ a New Earth
Artist carly taylor
The way we care for ourselves is a direct reflection of how we care for the Earth. The Virgo Full Moon reminds us of the importance of purifying the temple, our human bodies, in order to have vibrant health.
Virgo desires to help others, but we must fill our own cup first. Wellness is wealth if we are to serve and support those in need. Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually there is much work to do to restore humanity’s well-being.
Virgo stresses the significance of self-healing through knowing that we can transcend mental chaos through meditation, release emotional trauma through natural therapies and restore our spiritual connection with God/Light/Source if we are to become compassionate beings.
The Full Moon hits on the heels of Saturn, The Teacher, moving into the sign of Pisces. He brings structure to the formless, boundaries to the boundless, and accountability to the irresponsible. In Pisces, we are becoming highly sensitive beings to toxins in the environment and as well as in our bodies.
Saturn gives solutions to restore clean water in lakes and oceans. Responsibility is needed for organizations that are polluting our natural resources. We are on a mission to purify our planet, as well as ourselves.
Uranus in a positive aspect to the Full Moon will usher in profound shifts that will take place quickly. He sparks the imaginative spirit with new inventions of how to live in harmony with Earth. Big changes are coming this month as Pluto changes signs into Aquarius. We must re-imagine a New Earth if humanity is to evolve.
Tara Jade Nichols