aries new moon ~ new beginnings
Artist carly taylor
The Aries, new moon ushers, in a new beginning on the heels of the spring equinox and astrological new year. It marks the first of two Aries new moons hitting at the critical 0 degrees. A new blank slate is being laid before us. You are the creator of the masterpiece called your life.
Aries is the spark that ignites 1000 ideas. This is the time to plant your seeds of intentions for what you wish to initiate in the coming year. As a fire sign, it inspires action, followed by the will to succeed. Fire transforms that which is stagnant. Allow it to fuel your passions to drive you towards achieving your goals.
Venus and Juno magnify the north node at the New Moon to bring opportunities for prosperity and love. These planets ask that we make the commitment to upgrade to the highest version of the Self. We can now move forward with integrity both as a collective and individually.
Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in a challenging square to the Moon. He is the warrior planet willing to fight for his freedom. Mars is the ambassador of change. His determination will conquer any obstacle. He will push you out of your comfort zone wherever you have resistance.
What can we do on an individual level? Are you willing to fight for it? Aries moon whispers “Take a stand”.
Tara Jade Nichols