Cancer Full Moon ~ The womb of Creation.
Cancer brings us home to ourselves as we enter into her nurturing waters. She calls upon the Mother as the creative life force. It is here we all begin and end our journey on this Earth.
Cancer embodies the yin aspect of the divine feminine. Her medicine is to validate our feelings and support us through nurturing those around us. Cancer teaches the beauty in listening to our intuition, embracing receptivity, and living compassionately.
This is a time of returning to that sacred space within. As we dive into her primordial waters, we are connected with our ancestors linked through our DNA. The family bloodlines run deep, reminding us that much of our family history has experienced trauma.
She asks for emotional cleansing by expressing our feelings in our most intimate relationships. The healing she desires comes from being vulnerable. Cancer needs to feel safe to open up and share her feelings.
Mercury retrograde opposes the Cancer Full Moon. It sheds light on the subconscious regarding painful memories from the past. They are often triggered by a family experience that led to withdrawing or hiding your emotions away. It unlocks a remembrance of our early family experiences, which gives us permission to feel it in a secure environment, then let it go.
Allow the healing waters to wash over what has been. Leave the past behind. Know that the womb of creation heals through all timelines.